Orthotics can be useful for everyone from athletes with pain to production line workers with arch pain. Pain in your foot, ankle, knee, hip or back may be the result of a hidden or obvious problem of foot structure and function.
Orthotics may decrease symptoms in any one of these areas by supporting the movement of the lower extremity through control of the foot.
Many of our physical therapists have advanced training and years of experience evaluating the need and beneficial effects of custom designed orthotics.
The physical therapist will perform an evaluation and assess your desired activities before ordering the device.
This will assure the best possible fit, control and comfort of the orthotic. If an orthotic is not necessary, you may receive guidance regarding your footwear, or the use of an over-the-counter insole.
Orthotics are only a part of a complete rehabilitation program. Manual therapy, exercise, and movement re-education may also be a part of your successful return to activity.
Who Should Use an Orthotic?
There are several common symptoms that may indicate misalignment of the feet. These signs and symptoms include the following: