Dylan Steigers was a Missoula Sentinel alumnus who tragically died on May 9, 2010 after suffering a traumatic brain injury during a spring football game at Eastern Oregon University. In Dylan's honor, we have joined with his family to educate, test, and protect the Missoula Community. This project provides a resource for coaches, parents, and athletes to learn more about concussions and traumatic brain injuries.
Healthcare Professionals, including the staff at Peak Performance Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine, use ImPACT Neurocognitive Concussion Testing to establish each athlete's individual baseline mental ablilites prior to an injury. The baseline test measures and records an athlete's short and long term memory, visual motor speed and reaction time.
In the event that an athlete experiences a concussion, the baseline test may be used to determine the degree of impairment suffered due to the injury. Another ImPACT Test would be performed after a suspected concussion to compare against the athlete's baseline results. Along with ImPACT test administered, the injured individual would also undergo a series of related assessments such as balance, tolerance to physical activity, and eye tracking for further analysis of extent of concussion. ImPACT Testing results gives heathcare professionals another tool to treat concussions.
Given the inherent challenges in concussion management, it is important to manage concussions on an individualized basis and to implement baseline testing. Having each athlete take an ImPact Baseline test provides us wtih each athlete's personal information to compare results to in the event of concussion.
The tests and their results are maintained on a secure server. Only Peak Performance's Sports Medicine Staff and healthcare professionals approved by the athlete will have access to information. For more information or to schedule an ImPACT Test, please contact The Dylan Steigers Concussion Project at 406.541.3004.